QR Codes

Customers should be able to easily and successfully scan your Code.

Verifiable and Dynamic Content

Links are easily broken. Got a new phone number? Changed your email address? Changed name or title? Dynamic codes can be updated and link targets or content can be changed any time, even after printed marketing material is distributed.

Wise Design

Colors and logos personalize your QR Codes. Branding is important but it is important not to overdo customization. Code should be recognizable as a tool for your customers. Some scanning apps don’t pick up complex designs.

Size Matters

Codes are only useful if they are noticed and scanned. Printing on small to medium sized products such as business cards or flyers, the Codes should be about 2 cm square.

Image Quality

QR Codes require sharp, clear print. As a graphic designer and print shop liaison I employ vector files for scalability so that print quality is not lost in sizable print projects.


Choosing material that reflects too much light or distorts the image will compete with the scannability of your QR Code. Uneven surfaces that are ribbed can disfigure the Code. Printing within folded sections will make scanning difficult. Experience and testing of a printed sample, along with good judgement is required to ensure the code works.

Accessible Display

Place your QR Code at the right height and distance so customers have an easy time reaching to scan the Code. Consider the scanning time.  Don’t place the code in an area where the customer does not have time to take out their smartphone, open a scanning app, hold the device steady towards the Code and scan. Dynamic, moving displays are problematic: moving vehicles, frame-changing electronic billboards, television commercials. Static media such as posters, magazines, or flyers are better suited for easy scanning.

Avoid ambiguity.  Do not use multiple Codes at the same time. There are instances when you may need to place QR Codes next to each other.  To reduce the possibility of accidental scanning of the wrong Code, placing Codes on opposite ends of a layout and designs.

There are QR Codes that can link to multiple URLs. QR Codes like the App Code can get to different app stores depending on the smartphone’s operating device.

Customers should know what to expect when they scan. A simple “Scan Me!” has proven to engage more customers than Codes without a call to action. Custom-designed QR Code Frames are perfect to add incentive and motivate your customers to scan such as “Scan Now for Bonus MP3”.


Before printing, I test codes with a variety of apps, use multiple devices with different operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows). Printer proofs should be tested before printing a large volume of QR Codes for distribution.

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