Are you a researcher or writer who has references on a website that have disappeared or moved? Digital Object Identifier (DOI) The DOI system provides a means to manage information via digital networks. The InternationalContinue reading
Month: April 2012
MEL Quotes
Here’ a few comments that I’ve made in the past. I find myself repeating many of them lately. The past does not change; our view of past events does. The quickest makeup is a bigContinue reading
Favourite Moment
I love that moment when I can watch someone reach beyond what they thought they were capable of doing. Their expression of comforted surprise warms me. In them, one can see a building sense ofContinue reading
Illegal Combinations
Illegal Combinations Hildebrandt’s long poem sequences (Illegal Combinations: Glasgow 1787,” “Let Them Eat Grass/The Dakota Wars 1862,” and “London, 2011 Cuba, January 2011,”) “re present” poignant historical events. Life-altering devastation follows participation in a traumatic event. TremorsContinue reading