
Technologies have exploded and advancements have quickly outdated content on this page. Currently, I am exploring and researching the following technological areas.

Artificial Intelligence

There have been many recent topics and developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). A few prominent topics are:

Ethics and Bias in AI

There has been a lot of discussion about the potential for AI systems to perpetuate or amplify biases present in the data they are trained on. This has led to a focus on developing ethical guidelines and best practices for AI, as well as efforts to mitigate bias in AI systems.

Job Automation

Growing concerns about job displacement is leading to discussions about ways to prepare for and to mitigate the potential negative impacts on employment.


As AI becomes more prevalent, there are concerns about the potential for AI systems to invade people’s privacy or be used for nefarious purposes. The need for regulation and oversight of AI with a particular focus on themes of responsibility and ethics .


Healthcare is increasingly using AI in the areas of diagnosis, treatment planning, and drug discovery. Discussions arise about the potential benefits and drawbacks of applying the use of AI in healthcare settings and about ethical considerations.


The use of AI to enhance and augment education has become a recent topic. Personalized learning and adaptive tutoring systems are being discussed where the potential benefits, the challenges of AI use includes ethical considerations.

The field of AI continues to rapidly evolve and expand. Discussions and developments are erupting. 

Humanoid or Bot?

How to determine real people (P) versus bots/not a person (NP).  I.E. P?NP

Some of the ways that a person can distinguish the difference between a real person and a bot include:

  1. Look for behaviour patterns: Bots will exhibit repetitive or predictable behaviour, such as posting the same content multiple times or responding to prompts in a predetermined way. Real people behave in a more varied and spontaneous fashion.
  2. Check for inconsistencies: Bots may have inconsistencies in their responses or interactions that can reveal their artificial nature. For example, they may use language or terminology in a way that seems unnatural or inappropriate for the context.
  3. Look for telltale signs: Some bots may have certain characteristics that can give them away, such as using a generic profile picture or lacking a personalized profile.
  4. Use a bot detection tool: There are tools available that can help identify bots on social media and other platforms. These tools can analyze a user’s profile and activity to determine whether they are likely to be a real person or a bot. To identify bots on social media and other platforms, some of the latest bot detection tools include:
        1. Botometer: Developed by researchers at Indiana University and the University of Oxford, Botometer is a tool that uses machine learning to analyze a user’s profile and activity on social media platforms to determine whether they are likely to be a real person or a bot.
        2. DeBot: Developed by researchers at the University of Maryland, DeBot is a tool that uses machine learning to identify bots on social media platforms by analyzing patterns in user behavior and the content they produce.
        3. OpenAI’s GPT-3: OpenAI’s GPT-3 (Generative Pre-training Transformer 3) is a state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) model that can generate human-like text. It has been used to create bots that can engage in conversation and perform tasks, making it a useful tool for detecting bots that are designed to impersonate real people. No single tool or approach is foolproof. OpenAI’s GPT-3 can analyze text to help identify discrepancies or inconsistencies. 
        4. Bot Sentinel: Bot Sentinel is a free, open-source tool that uses machine learning to identify bots on social media platforms by analyzing patterns in user behavior and the content they produce. It can be used to monitor accounts and identify potential bots in real-time.
        5. BotOrNot: Developed by researchers at Indiana University and the University of Maryland, BotOrNot is a tool that uses machine learning to identify bots on social media platforms by analyzing patterns in user behavior and the content they produce. It can also be used to analyze Twitter accounts in real-time.
  5. Ask directly, if you are unsure. A real person should be able to provide a genuine response, while a bot may be unable to do so.

As bots constantly evolve. It can be difficult to definitively distinguish a bot from a person. 


In the context of natural language processing (NLP) and linguistics, LLM can refer to a language or linguistic model, which is a set of rules or principles that describe the structure and function of a particular language.


Exploring Problems of Identity on Social Media Platforms

Identity is a complex and multifaceted concept that is central to human experience and social interaction. On social media platforms, where people often present themselves through online profiles and interactions, identity can be particularly challenging to manage and understand. Some of the problems that can arise with identity on social media platforms include:

  1. Misrepresentation: People may present a distorted or incomplete version of themselves on social media platforms, either intentionally or unintentionally. This can lead to misunderstandings and mistrust, as well as difficulty in building authentic relationships online.
  2. Impersonation: Social media platforms are often used to impersonate other people, either for malicious purposes (such as scamming or trolling) or for more benign reasons (such as creating parody accounts). This can create confusion and undermine trust in online interactions.
  3. Lack of privacy: Social media platforms often require users to disclose personal information in order to create an account, and people may inadvertently reveal more information about themselves than they intended. This can lead to concerns about privacy and the potential for personal information to be used for nefarious purposes.
  4. Multiple identities: Some people may have multiple online identities or profiles on different social media platforms, which can create confusion and difficulties in building and maintaining relationships online.
  5. Identity theft: Social media platforms can also be used as a means to steal people’s identities, either for financial gain or for other nefarious purposes. This can have serious consequences for the victim, including financial losses and damage to their reputation.

Overall, identity is a complex and multifaceted concept on social media platforms, and it can present a range of challenges and problems. It is important for people to be mindful of these issues and to take steps to protect their identity and privacy online.

Reviewing Best Practices for Privacy and Security Issues Online

There are several steps you can take to protect yourself from malicious code and other online threats:

  1. Keep your operating system and all of your software up to date. This will help ensure that you have the latest security patches and fixes.
  2. Use a strong, unique password for each of your online accounts. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts, and consider using a password manager to help you generate and manage strong passwords.
  3. Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading files from the internet. Don’t click on links in emails or messages from unknown sources, and be careful when downloading files from the internet, especially if you are prompted to download a file that you didn’t expect.
  4. Use antivirus software and a firewall to protect your device. Antivirus software can help detect and remove malware, while a firewall can help block malicious traffic from reaching your device.
  5. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible. This adds an extra layer of protection to your accounts by requiring a second form of authentication, such as a code sent to your phone or a security key, in addition to your password.
  6. Use privacy settings: Most social media platforms and other online services offer privacy settings that allow you to control who can see your personal information and activity. Use these settings to limit the information that is visible to others.

    Be mindful of the information you share online: Be selective about the information you share, especially personal information such as your address, phone number, and date of birth. Consider whether the information you are sharing is necessary or appropriate for the context.

  8. Use secure connections: Whenever possible, use a secure connection (such as HTTPS) when accessing websites or using online services. This can help protect your personal information from being intercepted by third parties

It is increasingly important to protect yourself from online threats (malicious code, catfishing). Regularly review your online security practices. Take time to update them to ensure all necessary precautions to stay safe online are taken.

QR Codes

This QR Codes link describes QR Codes which I have used and created for many clients. QR codes (short for Quick Response codes) are two-dimensional barcodes that can be scanned using a smartphone or other device to access information or perform an action. While QR codes have many useful applications, there are several concerns surrounding their use:

  1. Security risks: QR codes can potentially be used to expose users to security risks, such as malware or phishing attacks. For example, a malicious actor could create a QR code that, when scanned, downloads malware onto the user’s device or directs the user to a fraudulent website.
  2. Privacy concerns: QR codes can also be used to track people’s movements and gather data about them. This can raise privacy concerns, as people may not be aware of the information that is being collected or how it is being used.
  3. Misuse: QR codes can potentially be misused or abused, such as by being used to spread misinformation or propaganda. This can lead to confusion and mistrust, as well as potential harm to individuals or society.
  4. Accessibility issues: Some people, such as those with visual impairments, may have difficulty using QR codes. This can create barriers to accessing information or services that rely on QR codes.

While QR codes can be a useful and convenient tool, be aware of the potential risks and concerns associated with their use. To reduce the risks, use caution when scanning QR codes. Only scan codes from trusted sources, and use a reputable QR code reader app.

Regularly review your device’s security settings. Update them as needed to ensure that you are protected against potential threats.

The Role of Digital Assets in Current Financial Markets

Digital assets (aka cryptocurrency or virtual currency) are digital representations of value that can be traded and used as a medium of exchange. They are created using blockchain technology, which is a decentralized, distributed ledger that allows for the secure transfer of digital assets without the need for a central authority.

Digital assets have gained significant traction in financial markets and have become an important component of the financial system. Some of the key roles include:

  • Alternative Investment: Digital assets are increasingly being used as an alternative investment option for individuals and institutions. Many people view digital assets as a hedge against inflation and a way to diversify their investment portfolio.
  • Payment Method: Digital assets are often used as a means of payment for goods and services, especially in online transactions. They offer a fast and secure way to make payments without the need for traditional intermediaries such as banks or credit card companies.
  • Asset Transfer: Digital assets can be used to transfer value and ownership of assets between parties without the need for intermediaries or traditional legal processes. This can be especially useful in situations where traditional methods of asset transfer may be cumbersome or costly.
  • Speculation: Digital assets are also used as a speculative investment, with many people buying and selling them in the hope of making a profit from price movements. This can lead to significant price volatility, which can create opportunities and risks for investors.

Digital assets are still relatively new and an evolving asset class. It is important to carefully consider the risks and potential rewards before investing. 


Coinbase, one of the cryptocurrency websites that I use to keep informed. By introducing you to Coinbase with this referral link, both you and I will be credited with $13 of Bitcoin when you buy or sell at least $134 (CDN) of cryptocurrency.

Note:  HODLing a June 1, 2017 $10 referral credit provided .0.004171 BTC (Bitcoin) worth over $90 on Nov. 18, 2020, and over $295 on May 2, 2021 and $95.53 on Dec. 26, 2022.  



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