Employees’ Health Matters: Workplace Safety Cannot Be Ignored


Dear Employers,

COVID-19 is not a hoax. Yes, it is still “a thing.” The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact lives worldwide and continues to challenge our society. In challenging times, let’s embrace a change of attitude—approaching difficulties with resilience, optimism, and empathy. With a growth mindset, we can view challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development. By supporting one another and extending kindness, we can overcome obstacles and create a brighter, harmonious future for all.

As leaders in the workforce, your role, in ensuring the well-being of your employees is paramount. I write this open letter to appeal to your sense of humanity and to encourage a shift in perspective towards your workers’ health and safety, especially when it comes to COVID-19.

Firstly, I implore you to recognize that COVID-19 is not just an ordinary illness. It has brought immense suffering, grief, and uncertainty to countless families worldwide. When employees fall sick with COVID-19, it is a matter of utmost importance to respond with understanding and consideration. Downplaying the illness, questioning test results, or dismissing the severity only exacerbates the situation and puts not only the employees but also their loved ones at risk.

As employers, it is essential to create an environment where employees feel safe and supported when dealing with health challenges. The decision to return to work after contracting COVID-19 should be made with the guidance of healthcare professionals, considering the safety and well-being of the entire workplace community. Encouraging sick employees to stay home, providing paid sick leave, and implementing flexible work arrangements can make a significant difference in preventing further spread of this lasting, looming, evolving virus and in promoting a healthy work culture.

I understand the pressures businesses face during uncertain times. However, compassion and empathy can coexist with responsible decision-making. By prioritizing the health of your employees, you not only demonstrate care for their well-being but also foster loyalty, trust, and productivity in the long run. Furthermore, supporting employees who have family members suffering from COVID-19 is equally vital. Showing understanding and granting necessary leave for compassionate reasons can provide immense relief and allow employees to focus on their family during times of distress.

Your employees are more than just workers; they are individuals with families, fears, and emotions. Embracing empathy and compassion in your decision-making can make a significant difference in both your lives and in your company. Let us come together as a community, understand the gravity that continues to face your workers, and create a workplace that values the health and well-being of all its members.

 It is also important for employers, co-workers, health care providers, and policymakers to recognize the challenges and needs of workers with long COVID and provide them with adequate support and protection.


Marlene E. Lacey

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