Other’s inability to see your worth does not decrease your value.
Like a cigarette, anger is not your friend; any attachment is a bad habit. Anger is about getting even.
You can’t love a child and disrespect their parents. That is as simple as it gets.
Why live on your knees?
Be present with your children; show interest in their activities.
Challenge fear-based beliefs; challenge divisive assumptions. Adopt new ways of thinking; act positively to change our world.
Bring your underlying assumptions and mental models to conscious awareness; evaluate their usefulness and transform those that serve no useful purpose.
Everyone has a perception, but most perceptions are wrong.
Offer words of affirmation.
Attenuated facial expression of pain decreases subjective distress, and increases pain tolerance.
Relax into life’s constant flow of change as it happens around you.
It takes an investment of time, energy, ideas, willpower, attention to detail and follow-through to reach successful outcomes.
Perceived distance or separation in a close relationship is interpreted as danger.
Truth is in everyone; it is not far, it is not near; it is eternally there.