OneLook indexes and provides a metasearch engine for a large number (currently, 1062) of dictionaries.Wildcards * (any number of letters or symbols) and ? (exactly one letter or symbol) can be employed to retrieve aContinue reading
Author: mel
inter-media artist for peace
Marlene Lacey has been creating websites since the mid-nineties and has supported the use of computers in academic, administration, corporate, and private sectors since the mid-eighties. She continues to explore new technical resources as they emerge. She has provided instruction for web authors and her company, Blue Grama Publications has hosted and managed a wide variety of websites integrating the virtual and real worlds as an inter-media publisher. Marlene has designed many templates for digital and print. She photographs, creates handmade paper, sculptures and other artistic pursuits. She has built a library of images and authored, co-authored, published titles and websites. She thinks of herself as a babel fish, communicating tech details to general users and communicating user desires to tech ninjas.
OED online
University libraries have access to the world’s largest dictionary, Old English Dictionary, which is 20 volumes of English words used from 1066 to the present day. Large and generally too expensive for home and officeContinue reading
Print Specials
Postcards Postcards are an affordable and effective direct-mailing tool. People are more likely to read a printed postcard than open an envelope with an unsolicited letter. Use postcards to generate leads, close sales, make announcementsContinue reading
Fall 2013 Colours
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Song for Damon
Godspeed Dixie Chicks Dragon tales and the “water is wide” Pirate’s sail and lost boys fly Fish bite moonbeams every night And I love you Godspeed, little man Sweet dreams, little man Oh my loveContinue reading