Meditation Sogyal Rinpoche Self Esteem Exercise Imagine Imagine yourself as two people: A whole, compassionate, warm and lovingĀ true friend willing to be there for you, responsive and open without judgement, whatever your faults orContinue reading
Author: mel
inter-media artist for peace
Marlene Lacey has been creating websites since the mid-nineties and has supported the use of computers in academic, administration, corporate, and private sectors since the mid-eighties. She continues to explore new technical resources as they emerge. She has provided instruction for web authors and her company, Blue Grama Publications has hosted and managed a wide variety of websites integrating the virtual and real worlds as an inter-media publisher. Marlene has designed many templates for digital and print. She photographs, creates handmade paper, sculptures and other artistic pursuits. She has built a library of images and authored, co-authored, published titles and websites. She thinks of herself as a babel fish, communicating tech details to general users and communicating user desires to tech ninjas.
Project Management
I am so dependent upon Internet access, that when it is down for a few minutes, I soon become aware of it. Yesterday, I spent precious working time rebooting modems, routers and computers in anContinue reading
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