Theodore Roethke’s “The Waking” has permeated my being since I first came across the poem in 1967. It expresses much of what lies at the heart of my educational journeys, as a student and asContinue reading
Category: Education
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Peirce’s Classification of Signs
Typically, a sign is something that suggests the presence or existence of something else; it is a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent. To study the way signs work, semiotics, a perspective on realityContinue reading
How Babies Think
Babies and children are conscious of far more than we once realized. Their every sense is engaged as they discover, file away, analyze, and act upon information about their world. Some people believe that babies areContinue reading
Watson’s Uni Match
On March 30, Watson will engage in a question/answer demonstration at 2:45 pm on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University (University Center, McConomy Auditorium) and leader of the IBM Watson project team, David Ferrucci talksContinue reading