Raspberries are now ready to eat. This is our first picking of the season.

A fresh handful in the mornings top a bowl of unadulterated cereal. Nothing beats being able to go to the garden to pick fresh food and then being able to eat it within minutes.
Our raspberries on the south-side of our yard did not produce this year either. These were from the main garden area on the north side of our west backyard. I think that bush was overly pruned. Also, if truth was really told (I will never know for sure), weed-killing chemicals might also have had something to do with its state.
I have been enjoying raspberry pureé over ice-cream and jam.
Should trade you for the Saskatchewan saskatoons that I have been craving as I remember my grandma’s saskatoon pie.
Delicious looking berries -so clean and evenly sized! Nice presentation.
Our raspberries did not produce this year. Someone else was busy from time to time removing what they considered dead canes. Perhaps the pruning of the patch was too severe. One must only remove “dead” canes.