Colour Notes Flame was also part of the seasonal palette for Spring 2005. Greenery is the colour of the year for 2017. Colour Notes The colour, Toast was designated colour of the day for January 3 with the threeContinue reading
Embers from the Fury
When their lives were taken leaving countless hearts all shaken, our grateful breaths became the embers of the furies the world remembers. We will not forget their sacrifice that stain and strain our hearts.Continue reading
Cucumber Soup
Serves four. Ingredients 1 tbsp butter 1 tbsp olive oil 150 g onions, chopped or shallots 3 cloves smashed garlic 100 g potatoes, cooked, peeled and chopped 3 cucumbers washed, seeds removed, chopped 1 cContinue reading
Sweet Honey Mustard
Makes 1 cup of sweet honey mustard. Equipment: 1 cup mason jar, double boiler, whisk. Ingredients 1/4 c (packed) brown sugar 120 grams dry mustard powder* 1/3 c apple cider vinegar 5 tbsp honey 1Continue reading
de·cor·ti·cate verb past tense: decorticated; past participle: decorticated technical remove the bark, rind, or husk from. “decorticated peanuts” subject to surgical decortication. Yesterday, I taught my visitor how to decorticate cardamom pods using a paperContinue reading