Chronic pain is not just a symptom of another condition. Over time the nervous system changes. People suffering from chronic pain have to learn coping strategies. They go through phases, the most difficult is notContinue reading
Foot Care
Unable to reach below your knees but need to apply lotion? Here is my cousin Millie’s creative solution for a long-handled sponge: two make-up sponges sewn together and slipped onto a plastic long handle allowingContinue reading
Car Cane
Homemade car cane attaches to door latch providing a grip to help get in and out of vehicles. Related Images:
Lucky Star Guitars
Design N Print Service Pre-press Setup / Editing Logo Modification Complete vectorization of logo. Detailed text editing. Print Services Business Cards Full four-colour printing on one side of 14 pt heavy card C2S bright white paper with freeContinue reading
Pump It Up, DJ
Design N Print Service Logo Development Business Card Pre-press setup and editing. DJ Service and Event Lighting: • PA Systems • Wireless Mics • Motion Facade LED Backdrop with Aluminum Triangular Truss • LEDContinue reading