Finding out that I was a publisher, Sto:lo Indian, Kwitsel Tatel (Halqe’meylem for “grizzly bear mother”) approached me and asked if I would take information that she created and researched for presentation in a Chilliwack Court. SheContinue reading
Spring Colours 2013
Emerald, Dusk Blue, Grayed Jade, African Violet, Linen, Monaco Blue, Lemon Zest, Tender Shoots, Nectarine, Poppy Red, Alloy, Sunflower, Tidal Foam, Vibrant Orange Related Images:
There are many things one can journal: nature reading daily dream life creative projects feelings wine travel gratitude fitness record keeping The thing about making any kind of journalling is to date your entries. Here’sContinue reading
See it, evaluate it, process it, write it, think it, act it, become it, share it. Related Images:
MS Word Sample Text
When using Microsoft Word, you can use a random function, =rand(x,y) to enter x sentences and y paragraphs where x and y are counting numbers. Put the function at the beginning of a line andContinue reading