Postcards Postcards are an affordable and effective direct-mailing tool. People are more likely to read a printed postcard than open an envelope with an unsolicited letter. Use postcards to generate leads, close sales, make announcementsContinue reading
Fall 2013 Colours
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Song for Damon
Godspeed Dixie Chicks Dragon tales and the “water is wide” Pirate’s sail and lost boys fly Fish bite moonbeams every night And I love you Godspeed, little man Sweet dreams, little man Oh my loveContinue reading
Songs for Acadia
Songs for Acadia and her parents. Angel Standing By by Jewel All through the night, I will be watching over you. And all through the night I will be standing over you. And through theContinue reading
Creole Seasoning
2 1/2 tbsp paprika 2 tbsp salt 2 tbsp garlic powder 1 tbsp black pepper, freshly ground 1 tbsp onion powder 1 tbsp cayenne 1 tbsp dried oregano 1 tbsp dried thyme Combine and store inContinue reading